Week 6 & 7 Reflection and Activities

During these 2 weeks, I was tasked to finalize my Project 1 for Sonic Design. My lecturer, Mr Razif have gave us a few tips on how to perform well on this Project 1. The tips are as follow:

  • Decide on which atmosphere the sound should imitate. The sound should fit or be as close as possible to the audio composition that I am making for the project. For instance, since the project I'm doing is everyday life. It is best to have background ambience of having electric fans swinging sound and bird chirping in the morning, this is to give morning vibes for anyone that listens to this audio.

  • Labelling and organizing audio files and the multitrack session. Naming the audio file and naming each track in the multitrack session would make it easier for the multitrack to be composed as there will be label indication which sound it represents.

  • Using audio related functions such as panning and hard limiter. Panning allows the audio to be heard only on one side such as left or right, while hard limiter limits the dBs of one audio track or the overall audio track.

  • Find different audio source for each sound type. It is better to have a variety of audio file so that it suits for different scenario, or a different variant of the audio can be created by layering these audios in order to have a more suitable audio.

For this project I have implemented:
  • Panning: Sound heard from one side (left/right)
  • Layering: (Stacking audio files on one another)
  • Pitching and Timing (Increasing the pitch of the sound)
  • Stereo
  • Reversing audios (Reverse audio gives a new type of audio)
  • Parametric Equalizer (To control the bass of audios)
  • Hard limiter. (To control the amplitude of the output)
The project 1 file and audio track have been posted on the google drive folder that has been shared by the lecturer to me on:


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